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St Nicolas Players Spalding
'Disposing of the Body'
'Calendar Girls'
Wed 17th - Sat 20th October 2012
South Holland Centre, Spalding

... a most moving
scene ...
The Real Calendar Girls ...
Everyone knows the story: a group of extraordinary women, members of a very ordinary Yorkshire's Women's Institute (WI) group, persuade one another to pose for a charity calendar with a difference.
The Calendar Girls, as they became known, dedicated the calendar to John Baker who had died the previous year in 1998. John's wife, Angela (Miss February) and friends were members of the local WI. At one meeting Angela's friend Tricia Stewart (Miss October) suggested that they do an alternative WI calendar, in the nude, The idea provided much mirth and entertainment for John throughout his difficult traetment. After his death, the women were determined to continue.
John grew sunflowers from the onset of his illness and gave them to friends and family in the hope that he would have recovered by the time they flowered. Sadly, this was not the case, but the sunflower lives on as a reminder of John's life and has become a symbol of the girl's fundraising.
The girls initially aimed to generate funds to buy a new sofa for the hospital where John was being treated. To date (Oct 2013) they have raised more than 1.5 million for Leukaemia Research, have been the subject of a smash hit Hollywood film staring Helen Mirren and Julie Walters, and filled more colunm inches than they can count, and now their story is re-enacted in a hit stage show.
In 2005 the Calendar Girls were thanked personally by the Prince of Wales for their amazing achievements at a reception at Clarence House. Their Fabulous fundraising work continues with personal appearances, endorsements, speaking engagements, photos shoots and much more.

Note from the Director ...
'Calendar Girls' has everything I like in a play, humour, strong drama and amazing characters. The play is a challenge to all the actors, and my admiration of the performers in St Nics is well known.
A play is bought together by a whole team of people who are mostly unseen by the audience. The contribution from the whole team has been enormous, both in effort and in ideas and artistic talents, and I want to record my thanks to them all. There are too many to name them all, but Marilyn, Steve, Anj, Troy, Tom, Gemma, Trixie and the rest, thank you.
Finally thank you for coming to see us. I hope it makes you laugh. I hope it tugs your heart-strings. I hope you enjoy our version of 'Calendar Girls'.
Philip Bosworth, Director

Directed by Philip Bosworth
Produced by Marilyn Morris

Rod & Liam
Lady Cravenshire
Brenda Hulse
Jules Jones
Fiona Parish
Alison Honeybun
Arline Evenden
May Daniels
Amy Perkins
Nick Fletcher
Emma Dobbs
Tom Millard
Paul Gilbert
Maggie Porter
Heather Dickinson
Wendy Carter

Assiatant Producer
Stage Managers
Master Painter
Sound Operator
Stage Crew

Gemma Page
Troy Melvin
Angela Davis
Trixie Bennett
Steve Underwood
Mike Oliver
Robbie Hall
Tom Millard
Lucy Allen
Jacqueline Kemp
Gill Adlard
Janet Staples

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