St Nicolas Players Spalding
Reviews of 'Disposing of the Body'
Reviews o Vicar Of Dibley III
Received Monday 23rd October 2017
As an occasional visitor to Spalding we were delighted to be taken by our hosts to the South Holland Centre to see St. Nicholas Players perform ‘The Vicar of Dibley’ This very small cast amazed us with their faithful portrayal of these well known characters. All of the actors had taken on the mannerisms and voices with great professionalism. Alice and Geraldine were brilliant during their scenes in the vicarage and Geraldine's comic asides and facial expressions in response to Alice’s barmy comments had the audience roaring with laughter.
We particularly enjoyed the unexpected addition of Mrs. Croppley whose ever changing hat collection and off the wall remarks had us all chuckling.
An amazing set design, slick costume changes and most unbelievably of all - it was an amateur production!!
It was a joy to see the community fully involved, the children from Act Two Choir performing as we arrived and the talented ladies from‘A Handful of Harmonies ‘ keeping us entertained during the interval.
Susan McCranor
Received Friday 20th October 2017
Just got home from seeing Vicar of Dibley the Civic Centre by the St Nicholas Players. What a fun evening with lots of laughs, the cast were brilliant. Loved Geraldine and Alice, Jim Trott and Owen Newitt, they were all so good and played there parts well, give the originals a run for there money! Who could forget Patsy Figg small but memorable walk on, haha. I'm still giggling at the final Geraldine and Alice joke. The moment when Alice gets the punch line.
Lynn Maddison