St Nicolas Players
'Disposing of the Body'
'One Man Two Guvnors'
Wed 22nd - Sat 25th March 2017
South Holland Centre, Spalding
Directed by Martin Tyrrell
Produced by Lucy Turner
Charlie Clench
Pauline Clench
Harry Dangle
Alan Dangle
Lloyd Boateng
Francis Henshaw
Rachel Crabbe
Stanley Stubbers
Norman Parish
Emily Deans
Nick Fletcher
Joe Dickinson
Amber Sinclair
Hugh Walcott
Rob Nicholls
JoJo Hobbs
Dan Zampoli
Sam Phillips
Jed Laxton
Assistant Director
Stage Manager
Patsy Figg
Arline Evenden
Fired from his skiffle band, Francis Henshall becomes minder to Roscoe Crabbe, a small time East End hood, now in Brighton to collect £6,000 from the dad of his fiancee. But Roscoe is really his sister Rachel posing as her own dead brother, who has been killed by her boyfriend Stanley Stubbers.
Holed up at The Cricketers Arms, the permanently ravenous Francis spots the chance of an extra meal ticket and takes a second job with one StanleyStubbers, who is hiding from the police and waiting to be reunited with Rachel. To prevent discovery, Francis must keep his two guvnors apart. Simple.
Based on the classic Italian comedy The Servant of Two Masters by Carlo Goldoni, in this new English version by prizewinning playwright Richard Bean, with songs and music by Grant Olding, sex, food and money are high on the agenda.
One Man Two Guvnors opened at the National Theatre 17th May 2011 to critical acclaim, before transferring to the West End and embarking on a successful UK tour. It is also shortlisted for the 2011 Evening Standard Theatre Best New Play and the Best Night Out Awards.