St Nicolas Players Spalding
'A Night at the Music Hall'
Sat 27th & Sun 28th June 2015
Moulton Community Hall, Moulton

The weekly Director's Blog ...
So, we had the first get together yesterday. It was lovely to see everyone and catch up with the news. House moves, grand children and of course showing everyone around The Patch.
Due to unforeseen circumstances we started late but we are on our way to being ready to start rehearsals for the new show. We decided most people can make Mondays and Wednesdays so the rehearsal run will be 10 weeks. We still have two outside bookings 7th April and 7th May which will be from last year’s show and have to fit in a quick sing through for that too. rehearsal schedule will be available next week.
The songs for the new show will include, ‘On Mother Kelly’s Doorstep’, ‘Give Me A Little Cosy Corner’ and ‘I ‘ain’t Nobody in Particular’. Martin has promised another dramatic monologue and we have several new scena’s one all about the circus, one involving a stroll in the park and another with clothes as a theme.
If anyone is still interested in performing in the Music Hall in Moulton on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th June please contact us through FB or on 07722 305005.
Directed & Produced by
Anne Temple & Jules Jones
The Gentlemen
Jed Laxton
John Temple
Nick Fletcher
Norman Parish
The Chairman
The Pianist
The Ladies
Anne Temple
Arline Evenden
Gill Adlard
Jane Fulford
Janet Staples
Jacqueline Kemp
Jules Jones
Peter Breach
Liz Mackay