St Nicolas Players
'Little Shop of Horrors'
Wed 21 - Sat 24 October 2015
South Holland Centre, Spalding
... a top class show ...
Note from the Director ...
Hi and thank you all for coming to watch St Nics’ version of ‘Little Shop of Horrors’. When the committee gave me the opportunity to stage my version of this much loved show, I jumped at the chance as this is one of my favourite musicals. I’ve been very lucky to have been involved in this show once before, not as a director but as a cast member in 2004.
When you mention ‘Little Shop’ we all think of the iconic 80’s film version with Rick Moranis and Ellen Green but, before it was a musical, it was originally a 60’s horror film starring Jonathan Haze and Jackie Joseph. I wanted to create a link to, and put elements from the original 1960 movie into this show. After reading through the script, I felt like I was reading a comic book, so what better way to link the 60s and the 80s versions together. I really hope this comes across in own unique version of this show.
As a rule St Nics don’t traditionally put on musicals, so I had to bring in a couple of areas of expertise that we don’t normally have at our disposal. I would like to personally thank our choreograph Abbi Thompson, Amber Sinclair (Musical Director) and Sophie Butler Honeybun (visual graphics). Not only have these three ladies put in so much extra time and effort, they’re also in the show. They are super stars.
Then there is one person who has had to put up with so much (apart from my Girlfriend) these past five or six months and that’s my super producer Alison Honeybun. She has the biggest thankless job of all. As well as producing this show, she’s a wife, a mother and she’s been setting up a new business at the same time. You are amazing and an inspiration to us all. Thank you so much for being at my side and for making this show an incredible joy to work on.
I have one more thank you and that’s to you, the audience, because if it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t be able to keep putting on these shows. So sit back but don’t relax too much, because you never know who might be looking, as we take you to down town skid row. And just remember if he asks NEVER, EVER FEED THE PLANT!!
Rob Nicholls